Unlimited Access.
Many ways to fly your heart.

Join Flying Heart Yoga Puerto Vallarta teachers from anywhere! Our digital library features at least one new practice filmed exclusively for members each week, as well as older, previously recorded classes.

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Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library
Every month
Every year

Practice with the teachers of Flying Heart Yoga Puerto Vallarta anytime, anywhere. With new content uploaded weekly, this digital platform is the perfect place to keep your practice consistent and inspired.

Flying Heart Yoga Puerto Vallarta introduces a revolutionary way to maintain and deepen your yoga practice from anywhere in the world through its Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library. This innovative platform offers unlimited access to a rich collection of yoga practices, allowing members to fly their hearts and spirits with the guidance of experienced teachers from the comfort of their own space. Let's delve into the essence of this digital library and how it serves as a bridge connecting the global yoga community with the heart of yoga in Puerto Vallarta.

Unlimited Access to Yoga Practices

The Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library is designed to cater to yogis of all levels, offering at least one new practice filmed exclusively for members each week. This ensures that the content remains fresh, engaging, and in tune with the evolving needs of the yoga community. Additionally, the library includes older, previously recorded classes, providing a wealth of resources for members to explore at their own pace.

Many Ways to Fly Your Heart

The digital library embodies the spirit of Flying Heart Yoga by offering diverse practices that cater to various preferences and goals. Whether you're looking to start your yoga journey, deepen your practice, or find new ways to challenge yourself, the library provides many paths to explore. This diversity in content ensures that every member can find something that resonates with their heart's desire.

Practice Anytime, Anywhere

One of the most significant advantages of the Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library is the flexibility it offers. Members can practice with the teachers of Flying Heart Yoga Puerto Vallarta anytime and anywhere, breaking down geographical barriers and making high-quality yoga instruction accessible to a global audience. This convenience is particularly beneficial for those with busy schedules or limited access to yoga studios.

New Content Uploaded Weekly

The commitment to uploading new content weekly keeps the digital library dynamic and engaging. This constant influx of new practices ensures that members have access to the latest teaching methods, yoga sequences, and wellness insights. It also allows the teachers of Flying Heart Yoga to share their evolving expertise and passion for yoga with a broader audience.

Membership Options

The Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library offers straightforward and affordable membership options, with a monthly subscription priced at $20.00. This pricing model is designed to make the transformative power of yoga accessible to as many people as possible, reflecting the studio's commitment to spreading the benefits of yoga far and wide.

A Community Beyond Borders

Joining the Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library means becoming part of a vibrant, global community of yogis. Members not only gain access to exclusive content but also become part of a supportive network of individuals who share a common passion for yoga and wellness. This sense of community is invaluable, providing motivation, inspiration, and a sense of belonging.

The Heart of Yoga in Puerto Vallarta

While the digital library extends the reach of Flying Heart Yoga beyond the physical location in Puerto Vallarta, it also serves as a virtual gateway to the heart of this beautiful beach town. Members can experience the warmth, energy, and spirit of Puerto Vallarta's yoga community, fostering a deeper connection to the place and its people.


The Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library is more than just an online platform for yoga classes; it's a digital sanctuary that brings the essence of Flying Heart Yoga Puerto Vallarta to the world. With its diverse range of practices, flexible access, and commitment to community building, the digital library stands as a testament to the transformative power of yoga. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the yoga journey, the Flying Heart Yoga Digital Library invites you to explore, grow, and fly your heart through the practice of yoga, no matter where you are in the world.